This is Town Park. Its currently a work in progress, but we've started skating it. Its located at DeFremery park in West Oakland. Yes, the former home of the Black Panther Party. ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

None of this would be here without this man. The mastermind: KDUB. Dub is an art teacher at Oakland High and has always had love for the skateboarding community. A few years back he started putting on demos/festivals called the Hood Games. He's done them in Oakland, SF, and LA. I think the park kind of flowed out of that. Thank you Dub.

Dub with a frontside slasher.

Some of Dub's art.

Park graf.

Park graf.

Park graf.

This kid Elijah beat me in skate on the quarters. Small to big disaster.

Blunt to rock to fakie. Oh yeah, he's got a sprained tailbone.

Ron ollie.

Rob noseslide.

Ali back 50.

Good night park.
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