On my way down to Eleanor Harwood Gallery saturday
I stumbled upon this gem!

Gotta be Swoon.

And on to the gallery.
This is by Matt Momchilov.
Oil on canvas paintings.
This one was about 40" square.
(That is sunlight in the bottom right not paint...)

About 16" (Thats Shannon of
Shannon and the Clams throwin bolos...)
(dude asked for it just so you know...)

36" or so


Matt has a straightforward yet finessed touch.
These engaging paintings are epic within their own
personal space. Nice!

Speaking of epic, these 6 foot lifesize portraits are by Nancy Chan.
I believe they are ink on paper.



Nancy has a masterful touch. Delicate yet assertive,
it was a smart decision to go big this time.
These pieces project their presence into your space.
Great work!

This piece is by Jesse Schlesinger.
I really didnt get good images of his work because it was
behind glass. This drawing is
graphite on paper about 16" or so.

And then I saw this Paul Wackers out on the table.
Holy shit his paintings are so incredible!
Definitely one of the BEST painters out there right now
I wanted to cry for missing his show at the luggage store.